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Hi Randy,
We only provide dry pumps with reclaimed oil, we do not include
reclaiming of oil in the price of wet pumps. We do reclaim oil on
site here, but we charge $285 per gallon (Industry average is around
$300 per gal). Wouldn’t make much sense for us to include oil
reclamation for an E2M40 which takes close to 2 gallons, so the oil
would be half the price of the rebuild basically.
There was 3.5 Litters of oil in the lower E2M40 when we drained it,
we can bottle it and return it as is with the pump. Or reclaim it
for $265 (3.5L = 0.92 gal, our estimated loss is 7% due to
Let us know what you want us to do.
Best Regards,
Jacek Ringwelski
PolVac Corp.
Ph. (610) 625-1505 fax (610) 849-0395
Please remember before sending future pumps to us, the winter
season is here again and freezing temperatures. Pumps that have
water cooling should be purged of water as freezing of lines
leads to expensive extra costs that can easily be avoided.
customer has oil at their site and our FSTs maintain all
their pumps, so please just reclaim the oil you have and
return it in bottles. We’ll fill it when we deliver it to
the site.
Randy R. Clavet
Region Field Service Manager
Technologies, Inc.
(207) 831-0718
(978) 465-1983
(978) 465-5264
Sales Team []
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2015 6:18 AM
To: Riven, Rebecca
Cc: Service Coordinator; Fales, Randy; Clavet,
Subject: Estimate 3223 from PolVac Corp.
Dear Customer:
Please review the attached Quote/Estimate- 3223. The E2M40
was short on oil to fill it to the full mark. Please ask the
customer if they want to have the pump charged with new oil or
if they will be supplying their own oil, and we will ship back
their old oil in bottles. The price in this quote is only for
the added oil required to fill the pump to Full mark using the
customers oil after reclaiming it. Feel free to contact us if
you have any questions.
Please send Purchase Order to or fax
via 610-849-0395.
For Credit Card Sales, please provide an email to send an
electronic invoice to.
Credit Card sales are processed online through PayPal.
We look forward to working with you.
Thank You,
Marek D Ringwelski
PolVac Corp. Sales Team
Ph. (610) 625-1505 fax (610) 849-0395
Please reminder before sending future pumps to us, the
winter season is here again and freezing temperatures. Pumps
that have water cooling should be purged of water as
freezing of lines leads to expensive extra costs that can
easily be avoided.